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Number of segments flareget

It’s not just about marketing messages it’s also about product development, publishing, sales, customer service, and your overall brand perception.Ī survey of marketing professionals uncovered that 62% believe audience segmentation should be a top priority to enable more precisely targeted messaging.

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Market segmentation offers a plethora of benefits to every single part of your brand. Product positioning: What product, price, promotion, and place combinations will most effectively convert the target market.Target audience/market: The most likely segments to buy from or engage with your brand.Market segment: Potential customers are divided into categories based on shared traits or characteristics.Helping you learn new things about your target customers that will help you communicate your products, services, brand, values, etc. Market segmentation should form part of your target market research. These similarities can be pretty much anything you can think of, from age or geographical location to buying habits, interests, and life values.

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In other words, it involves looking at your entire pool of potential customers and grouping (or segmenting) them based on similarities. Market segmentation might sound like complex marketing jargon, but it’s not as difficult to get your head around as you might think.Īccording to Investopedia, market segmentation involves “aggregating prospective buyers into groups or segments with common needs and who respond similarly to a marketing action.”

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