Game of thrones beyond the wall android
Game of thrones beyond the wall android

game of thrones beyond the wall android

Here you can unlock heroes or promote them with hero shards. Codex – You can replay part of the story you missed or learn about a specific Hero or Unit to formulate your strategy.You can also send region-specific units to expeditions, complete tests in the uncharted lands, collect rewards from Weirwood forays after defeating enemies, or do random events. Beyond the Wall – Allows you to access the game’s main story mode.You can test your ability to strategize effectively with unique enemies, victory conditions, and restrictions. Challenges – The battles here don’t advance the story.You progress through the story to normal, medium, and hard challenges which rewards you based on the increasing challenge. Legendary Events – Special time-gated events where you can earn Heroes or shards of Heroes as rewards.You can also access the Merchant by tapping the ‘ Shop‘ icon at the bottom of the main game screen. Merchant – He has several tabs with different items for your shopping pleasure like glyphs, supplies, ability scrolls, etc.More the affinity you have with a region better will be the affinity rewards you receive from that region. Lodge– You have 3 daily attempts to do missions for a specific Westeros region which rewards affinity with that faction.Let’s briefly explore all your options from left to right:

Game of thrones beyond the wall android